Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Speaks for itself

I think this picture speaks for itself, this is the porch pretty much finished from the outside. I'm delighted! And may it be a lesson to all: be brave and you can make all sorts of things even when you haven't a clue :)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Raindrops and grey skies

It has been a while...again:) Tonight is a night when staying home and creating has won over responding to the mental urge of I should go out and socialize 'cause the night is long and dark. Ah well, there'll be plenty time for such merriment. I've been listening to this band called Rising Appalachia  for the last hour whilst rekindling my lost enjoyment of glass painting. They're simply great. Simple and great. I don't know what they're singin about as I rarely listen to words (you can still talk to me:) but the music is catchy.
Anyhow, this year I decided I take on Christmas preparations a little bit. Remembering those years when I spent the month pf december making presents for people I care about. I've lost that since, and usually at the end of December woke up in panic of some sort. Not because I should've had gifts for certain people, but because I lost the creation time when I remember those people. So here we go, this is going to be a december of creation!
The little bit of freetime of the last couple weeks have been spent with building a porch onto the mobile home. Still a good bit to do, but the main structure and outer walls are standing, so it all seems very easy, not as scary and wobbly as it did at first... Sturdy it is! Have a look:

It's even more advanced now but haven't got more pictures yet.
Another thing, I;ve started recording a few snippets of cello songs, I should say early versions of tunes which will possibly develop further, have a listen here.

Uisce dog is 1 year old today, wo hoo. Who would've thought I'll have a 1 year old pup in my house a year ago...I certainly didn't. :) I've been a little worried about her today as her spaying wound from 2 weeks ago seemed to have flared up a little, but been treating it with antispetic wash and aloe vera, and it seems a bit better. I made sure she had some special birthday bones and cuddles today:) 

That's it for now, enjoy the heart of the long dark evenings!!! And make sure you find the lamp of inspiration! Here's mine: 

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Been a good while since my last post... I suppose it's been busy times. A 2-week long trip to Hungary at the start of september (to attend my little brother's wedding and visit family and friends), and since it's been work, more work, music (including a rather interesting short term african-vibe project), preparations for the winter around the place, and all sorts of other bits and bobs. I feel quite happy and balanced these days, with of course moments of lost equilibrium, but generally enjoying the learning of presence, awareness, surrender and openness. Etc.:) Continuously enjoying the delightful presence of Uisce dog, she's great craic and an amazing balancing element in life (wish ye could see her right now, stretching out on sofa in front of fire, one paw under her face in a very humanlike manner /camera's been lent to some friends so can't capture it right now, but can assure you its supercute/)
Anyhow, I give you pictures instead of words. Happy fireside evenings and delightful autumn-fallen-leaf kicking in the woods to ye all!!xx


My sister...

My nice and nephew, cuties

The newly wed's moving in to their new place

Beautiful hungarian woods

Myself and my great friend Iza on our day of hillwalking


Pretty traditional hungarian cottage

The sign we followed for some of the way

Nostalgic kids railway in the woods

Found this old pic at mum's, me and our first dog, Fleti

A cockatiel found at mum's garden. Apparently still there after a month. Enjoying the freedom

Mum's old dog, Lili

Woodland path

Uisce pretending she's small

Tomato sauce yumm

Tomato sauce bubbling away in the pot

Look what I found in the compost!!!

Sleepy times

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hormonal puppy in heat + confined to the mobile home for over 8 hours (whilst I'm at work) to prevent all the neighbourhood dogs having a go at her + stolen chocolate consumed off high enough shelf the day before by same puppy = what you see on the picture... imagine the towel in the middle soaked in something very stinky (I figured out later she got to a spray bottle which had garlic and chilli spray in it from last winter, and chewed it open....)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


come on lea, let's go to the field and throw stones for me, will ya!

beautiful mallow

green manure field on the farm. wish i could photograph scents!
flowery garden
there's a few veggies too, and uisce of course

the butterfly bush

on a rainy day, after running around on the mucky field

beautiful calendula
After walk in Courtmacsherry, Niall, Vicky, Uisce and Mr. G

Squeek camping in Uisce's bed

Uisce and her brother, Bodhi finally find a way to peacefully exist together

It's been quite busy the last while, well, calling it summertime may be a little too much, as it's been in fairness another shite irish summer... Anyways, I've been back to work the last month n a half or so, first it felt like another headbang at the end of another cul de sac, but then I convinced myself that I need money and it really isn't that horrible.... At least it's only 2 days a week, and another one on the farm, and the rest just flies by, sometimes a cleaning job comes up, or a felt course, or simply some rehearsals, recording, or whatever. Anyways, a bit more routine is doing me a world of good. And makes me appreciate the time I got more. I've been also working away with mr. Cello on our future carreer together as a loopy cello orchestra, and can't wait for DHL to deliver the tool I bought from Germany, which will make it all very possible and sophisticated.
Altogether I reckon we've got a pleasant flow going really, with the usual hiccups of being me;-)

The zoo is doing well, still lively as ever.
Here's a couple of pictures, they're more interesting than words ;-)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


It's been raining pretty much all day, and now I heard thunder. Wohoo. I like it. I've been having an angry week, which is something I haven't experienced in quite a while, but in some odd way I'm welcoming it:) So thunder goes well with it all. Anger is an interesting one, it can destroy but it can build, too. I like it for this latter, even with the initial destruction, It has the power to move things which have been stuck. Even if they are unrelated to the outbreak of anger (like today, Uisce chewed my phone charger and favourite sandals to bits, both unrepairable. Now there's nothing about that closely related to my personal development is there?;-)
Anyways, I'll leave the anger at that for now.
Other things that have happened the last few weeks included a bunch of dinner guests at various times, it is lovely to have great veggies around the garden again to feed people with:)
Mr. Cello has been a regular in my days too, I'll stick in a little video with a bit of a sample of what mischief we're up to together, now the video quality is shockingly bad, sorry.... ok, i just realized its too big of a size for blogger what i have, so will have to wait till next time....

What else.... the other day climbed a mountain, one of the Paps, near Killarney, stunning, (unfortunately left camera in car so can't show you), and a rather educational day.
Had another feltmaking course here a few days ago, all happy, except the one person who freaked out at my directions and got lost...Ah well.
Looking like there's a bit of work around the corner, which is fabulous, as my plans are flying faster than my purse at the moment;-)
Rightyo, that's it for now, I'm starving so better raid the vegetable gardens in the 3 minutes while the rain holds back;-)

Havin a pipe after dinner

Enthusiastic puppy nearly blinded me one morning, luckily only got me below the eye, nice purple;-)

The not so little not so innocent darling of a dog

Vicky and Levi jammin after dinner

Friday, June 17, 2011

Feltmaking, birthday and the likes

I love June. However the last few years it seems to be a bit of an emotionally manic month - maybe subconsciously I'm shocked by the fast passing of years marked by my birthday in June every year ;-)
Anyhow, I still love it. Longest days, exploding growth in the garden, beautiful scents in nature, restless energy whoch can be as good as I make it (or as destructive ;-)
Here's a few photos, including a drenched dog, a bunch of little and big people stuffed with cakes at a small birthday gathering, and one group photo of the happy felters who started their wooly adventure here at my cave the other day.

Oh them rainy days will never stop Uisce from a good ol' runaround in the garden

Tara taking a break from felting

Birthday celebrations

Birthday celebrations 2



The suprise fly-by visitor at the birthday party, Roisin

Happy felters proud of their first lot of creations