Saturday, November 26, 2011

Raindrops and grey skies

It has been a while...again:) Tonight is a night when staying home and creating has won over responding to the mental urge of I should go out and socialize 'cause the night is long and dark. Ah well, there'll be plenty time for such merriment. I've been listening to this band called Rising Appalachia  for the last hour whilst rekindling my lost enjoyment of glass painting. They're simply great. Simple and great. I don't know what they're singin about as I rarely listen to words (you can still talk to me:) but the music is catchy.
Anyhow, this year I decided I take on Christmas preparations a little bit. Remembering those years when I spent the month pf december making presents for people I care about. I've lost that since, and usually at the end of December woke up in panic of some sort. Not because I should've had gifts for certain people, but because I lost the creation time when I remember those people. So here we go, this is going to be a december of creation!
The little bit of freetime of the last couple weeks have been spent with building a porch onto the mobile home. Still a good bit to do, but the main structure and outer walls are standing, so it all seems very easy, not as scary and wobbly as it did at first... Sturdy it is! Have a look:

It's even more advanced now but haven't got more pictures yet.
Another thing, I;ve started recording a few snippets of cello songs, I should say early versions of tunes which will possibly develop further, have a listen here.

Uisce dog is 1 year old today, wo hoo. Who would've thought I'll have a 1 year old pup in my house a year ago...I certainly didn't. :) I've been a little worried about her today as her spaying wound from 2 weeks ago seemed to have flared up a little, but been treating it with antispetic wash and aloe vera, and it seems a bit better. I made sure she had some special birthday bones and cuddles today:) 

That's it for now, enjoy the heart of the long dark evenings!!! And make sure you find the lamp of inspiration! Here's mine: